Maya Torch
As part of our task to model real life objects, I have created a model based on an electric torch. This model taught me a lot about how to use tools like extruding to create complicated shapes.
I used a cylinder as a starting point, and extruded the inner faces to create the indented shape of the front of the torch. I then beveled it to smooth it.
The torch has a curve that connects the front light to the main body. To create this curve, I created another cylinder of the same size and scaled the height down. I then used symmetry and extruding to pull extra faces out of it and pulled each edge out in a curve shape.
Rather than creating a cuboid for the rest I decided to continue extruding faces out. When extruding, the edges retained their curve shape, so I used the scale tool to flatten them out.
I continued using extruding to create the handle of the torch. I used the bridge tool to fill in the gaps and created edge loops at the back to extrude the handle out. I rotated them slightly and created a long rectangle with edge loops throughout. Similarly to creating the curve earlier, I used symmetry and pulled the edges inwards to create a curve on the handle
Carrying on with the handle, I made a separate rectangle for the top part. I then used a combination of bridging and extruding to create the curve. I combined the rectangle to the rest using the combine tool. (The screenshot below shows a polygon with too many edges. I have fixed that.)
Finishing off, I created a cylinder for the curved part at the end of the handle. I deleted half of the faces and connected it to the rest of the handle using the bridge tool. I created a button on top also using a cylinder. I again deleted half the faces and beveled it to make it smooth.
This is one of my most successful models. The topology has no issues as far as I can tell. I had a lot of success using extruding instead of multiple connected primitives to create complicated shapes.