Colour Contrast
Analogous colours are colours that are next to or near each other on the colour wheel. Images with an analogous colour palette do not have certain areas that stand out, as the whole image is a similar colour. They are often more calm and make more sense to the brain. This image has a brown palette throughout. There are no colours that have high contrast or stand out very strongly.
Complimentary colours are on opposite sides of the colour wheel. They are highly contrasting and work well together, with areas of different colour standing out a lot. Images like this are move energetic and alive, as the contrast draws viewers attention. This image is split into two complimentary colours: yellow and blue, which makes two clear halves of the image.
Triactic colours are 3 colours equally distanced around the colour wheel. This image has 3 main colours: brown, blue and light pink.
Tetradic colours are 4 colours at equal distances around the wheel.